Friday, September 30, 2011

PSAT day

So I know for a fact there are some seniors in my etymology class that may or may not browse my blog (which is chill.) But I want to know is what seniors are doing on the PSAT day on October 12th. I am going on a college visit to DePauw University. I want to go there next year but it is $50,000 sticker price... and I have nowhere near enough money to pay that much for college. (1 year at DePauw is the equivalent of 7-8 semesters at IPFW!!!) By going to DePauw at the sticker price, I will be paying for college 4 times! Not to mention I want to be a lawyer and I will have to pay for law school. However, one of the really great things that I can say about going to DePauw is that their Alumni are very active in current students' lives. They can help you get into great schools or get you great jobs. I know that it isn't as much as what you know but instead who you know. DePauw can help me make those connections to become the politician that I can to be one day.


Last week: 100 pages
This week: 100 pages
This Semester: 977

I have decided that I should also post a song that I think is good every time I post. Therefore, my song for this post is.... Something to believe in by Poison.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Alright, so another thing that has been bothering me when it comes to class discussions on poetry... As a amateur poet, I never put thought into what words I use so it can use alliteration or what ever or how the deviation from the set pattern (if I even have one)  is there on purpose.....


I have a secret for you....

I have never planned for these poetic elements. I have always just gone with the flow and expressed what I wanted to express. So I think we shouldn't put too much thought into poetry.....

Too Much Homework

Ok, so I know that most students complain about the amount of homework that they have to do, but I am serious. I have 5 academic classes and only one of them is AP. Just tomorrow, I have a worksheet packet due in Spanish 3 (BUSY WORK!!!! which I hate by the way), a math assignment (this usually takes me a minimum of a half hour), a bunch of grammar things to do for Composition (again..... BUSYWORK!!!!), and a We the People essay due tomorrow. Ughhh.... plus I try to do something good and teach children how to read and how am I repaid???? LOTS OF HOMEWORK...... MOST OF IT BEING BUSYWORK!!!!! Not to mention the bills were finally posted for the debate meet on the 8th and I have no idea what they are about or what they are doing so how am I supposed to teach new congressional debate kids what to do when I do not even know what to do???? I know I should probably be working on all this homework that I am complaining about instead of rambling on and on and on and





on about all of the homework that I have and instead use this time to work on it.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stupid tv show!

So I just watched the second season finale of drop dead diva and basically to sum it up.... It was horrible! Jane is really deb in janes body and grason loved deb but Jane saw grason kissing her best friend Stacy and left for Italy with her boyfriend Owen and grason went after her but was too late to get on the plane!!! :(

Anyway, I did get 2 sentences from the episode using the word purview. :) it's kind of nice to watch tv and not be confused by their big elite words.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I have continued reading another 100 pages of Scott Klusendorf's The Case for Life. I am really enjoying this book. I would recommend it to anyone whether they are pro-life or pro-choice.

Anyway, I read 100 pages this week which makes my total for the semester at 877 pages and 3 complete books and 2 books that I have read 1/2 of.

I know the idea behind the whole book talks was that people don't always know what to read next. However, I personally have too many books to read. I need to finish the Morganville Vampire series, and the Evermore series. Not to mention the miscellaneous books that I find to read or the ones that I have to read because Taylor said to do so. Plus, I have an entire shelf on my bookshelf dedicated to "Books that I need to Read." Plus, the new House of Night book comes out soon and I want to read the books that I have been told that I am not allowed to read. These include: The Golden Compass, Lost Symbol, Angels and Demons, anything by Dan Brown. I wish that the only class I had all day everyday was a "Read good books" class.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

analysis on books

So what I have read the last like 2 weeks for Etymology has been extremely boring. It really has nothing deep to talk about and analyze, which is why, I would rather use the words (three weeks worth) to describe what I have read in the book I began reading for week 4. Quotes for it will be up probably tomorrow, but I still have math homework to finish tonight, not to mention spanish homework and debate things I need to do to prepare for tomorrows meeting. Which, by the way, if anyone who reads this wants to join the team it is not too late and if you are unable to come tomorrow, let me know and I can get you the paperwork.

I would also like to point out that if homework was not hard enough to complete on its own with after school activities, it is even harder with a 10 month old chocolate lab puppy who is constantly chewing on things that she is not supposed to like napkins and trash and the counter and the chairs, etc. To make matters worse, she is constantly jumping up on the table and counters to get things off of there. My advice, do not get a puppy unless you can hire a full time puppy sitter that will live with you to watch her while you do important things like homework and such.

Disclaimer: what you are about to read is very heavily pro-life and comes from Scott Klusendorf's The Case for Life. If  you are not pro-life and do not wish to know this information, then stop reading now. If you are pro-life, I hope that this information will help you properly defend our stance

I had the opportunity to meet Scott Klusendorf over the summer. A little bit about him: He graduated from UCLA. He studied bio-ethics and Christian Apologetics at Biola University. He began his prolife work because he was an associate pastor who went to a prolife conference and there were 4 pastors versus the 100+ that would normally attend any other conference. He decided right then and there that he needed to do more to educate people about what abortion is and what it is doing to our nation. Although most of what I have read so far, I have read before in his book Pro-life 101 and learned at the summer camp that I went to over the summer. I also got the chance to meet Lila Rose, President of Live Action. She has gone to Planned Parenthoods across the nation to do undercover stings to expose the corruption within. I also had the chance to meet Paula Hughes because she came to declare her support for the camp that I went to

Anyway, Scott (I'm on a first name basis with him, so I will refer to him as such. I mean I spent an entire weekend with him.) claims that the unborn is human and provides arguments for any argument that a pro-life person might face. He claims that according to science, at the point of conception, the pre-born is no longer a gamete but instead a zygote that is a unique, whole, living human being. He also states that if we cannot prove yet that it is human that we should remain on the side of caution. He compares it to what we think could be a coat in the middle of the road or may be a homeless person. He says that people would swerve to not hit it just in case and that we should do the same for an unborn child. He also says that philosophically there is only 4 differences from the embryo that you were and the person you are today. These can be known from the acronym S.L.E.D. which stands for Size, Level of development, Environment, and Degree of dependency. He says that if size were what defines a person, then a short person is less of a person than a tall person. He points to the fact that a toddler is nowhere near as developed as a teenager, but we don't go around killing toddlers because they are not as developed as other persons. When  you walk from one room to another, you do not turn into a dog. You are still human and you are still the same person that you were when you were in the other room. What is the difference from that to the 6-8 inches of the birth canal? Lastly, since when does dependency on another person make you less of a person? I still need my parents to pay for things, so does that mean I should die opposed to some college kid that can be completely independent?

One thing that I loved that he said was that you need to find common ground. Now I'm not sure if I would advise this, but it was funny and true. When someone says "I'm pro-choice" say "Really? Me too! I chose to wear this shirt. I chose to put my hair into a ponytail. However, I do not choose to kill unborn children."

I will now go through some of the common claims from pro-life.

The most common is that you will get people who will say "Why are you forcing your morality on me?" This is called relativism. There are 3 main problems with relativism. First and foremost, it is self refuting and commits intellectual suicide. Someone cannot say that you should not force your view upon others while they in that very act, are pressing their view that you should not force your view on others upon you.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm writing this from my iPod because getting out my laptop and plugging it in is a lot of work and I am ready for bed! Therefore, I had to post the URL. Anyway, my observations are Kimberly perry's posture, the backround, and the outfit. Words to describe her posture: complacent, poised, and serious. Note that her arms are on her hips. The backround: simple, dull, and fake. Her outfit: flattering, modest, and fashionable.

Claim: The the simple backround and her fashionably flattering outfit helps to enhance her complacently poised posture.

New life decisions....

So I usually make important life decisions in the shower, but today I made not one but 2 while I was getting dressed. First of all, I decided that every day should be pajama day because then all I would have to do is roll out of bed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and go and wait for the bus. Also, so many politicians focus on money for people... my platform will be based on the fact that everyone can wear pajamas to work every day. I think this will be a popular idea in America. I also decided that I should move to Tennessee because I hate natural disasters. Ideally, my dream place to live is someplace warm and without natural disasters, but I think I have to settle. Who has heard of a natural disaster in Tennessee???



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Quotes of the Week (all of them)

These are the quotes that I have from The Morganville Vampires: The Dead Girls' Dance

  • In this quote, Michael is talking with Claire about what they are going to do to save Shane. "That's the only reason I'm letting you go. If I had any other choice-" "You do," she said. "We can all sit here and let him die. Or you can let Eve go on her wild rescue mission and get herself killed. Or you can let sweet , calm, reasonable Claire go do some talking." ... "Guess that means that there's no choice," he said. "Not really," Claire agreed. "I was kind of lying about the choice thing."

  • In this quote, Claire is saying why she is going to go talk to the top two vampires in the town. "Oh I am mousy," she said. "All this scares me. But I don't know what else to do, sir, except try. Even a mouse bites."

  • I love quotes that speak in third person... "Claire," Claire said, "decides for herself. In case you forgot." "Claire doesn't decide when it's something like this, because Claire is sixteen and Michael soesn't want to be explaining her tragic accidental death to her parents."
The next set of quotes come from The Morganville Vampires Midnight Alley.

  • Michael is a newly formed vampire. Need I say more? "He hadn't forgotten the arsenal of stakes and crosses that Eve kept hidden in her room. In the old days, that had seemed like good sense, living in Morganville. Now, it seemed like a recipe for domestic violence."

  • Claire is describing how it looked with her enemy Monica Morell standing on her doorstep. "It was like seeing Barbie and her friends, blown up life-sized and dressed like Old Navy mannequins. Tanned, toned, and perfect, from lip gloss to toenail polish."

The next set of quotes is from The Morganville Vampires Feast of Fools.

  • Claire is upset that Shane has to go to this vampire ball with this super pretty vampire that has the power to control him. "It was her turn to throw a fit, slam a door, and sulk, and darn it, she was going to do it well."

  • Eve just found out that Michael, her vampire boyfriend, invited Monica to the vampire ball. "I'm going to kill him, "Eve said, or at least that was what it sounded like filtered through the pillow. "Stake him right in the heart, shove garlic up his butt, and--and--" ... "When did you get home?" Claire demanded. "Apparently just in time to hear my funeral plans. I especially like the garlic up the butt. It's... different."

  • Claire and Shane went out on a real date and they see a jukebox. "That's the biggest iPod I've ever seen," Claire said. "Kidding. I have seen a jukebox before."

  • This is a conversation between Richard Morell, Monica's brother, and Claire. "What do you want, Richard?" "Good question," Richard said. "I guess I want a nice girl who can cook, likes action movies, and looks good in short skirts. But I'll settle for you taking the chain off the door and letting me in."

  • Myrnin, this crazy vampire that Claire has to work with to find a cure for the vampires says a few nonsense expressions that I absolutely loved. "libitor frenzy" "Claire, iguana time." This one is the best. In fact, I think that I will go around saying it now. "I feel acting."

  • Claire also thinks something completely obvious that I think is very satirical. "Neurological complications, of course, he did carve out part of his brain. That could have done some damage."

  • "Breathe," Myrnin said. "I'm not much for it myself, but I hear it's quite good for humans."

  • "I'm thinking we have about fifteen vampires and no blood," Claire said. "Is that it?" "No, I was thinking we're out of chips . Of course that was what I was thinking," said Shane.

  • Claire previously thought that crosses repelled vampires. "Crosses don't work," he said. "We all pretend they do, but they don't."
The next set of quotes comes from The Morganville Vampires Lord of Misrule.

  • This statement is sooooo true! Claire: "I think I need guy CliffsNotes." Eve: "Guys aren't deep enough to need CliffsNotes."

  • Claire is describing how the police in Morgansville have unusual equipment. Claire thinks, "Maybe instead of pepper spray, they have garlic spray." 

  • Amelie is leading Claire to Mrynin and Claire has no idea which hallway is which and she thinks, "Maybe we should drop crumbs. Or M&Ms. Or blood."

Alright, that is it for now, I have some things that I have been working on other than this. Like we have our second Debate meeting Wednesday and an officers meeting on Monday. I am working on a newsletter and a calender among some other handouts. I am kind of stressing because I will have like 2 weeks to teach the new Congressional Debate students everything they need to know before they compete at their first meet on October 8th. I mean I there's how to read the legislation, how to write a speech, what parliamentary procedure is and how to follow it, and I want to also run a mock with them so they can see for themselves what it is like. Not to mention working on speaking skills and basic research skills. Talk about enough to drive a girl crazy! At least I won't have a We the People essay due this week. Anyway, I want to finish up the handouts and all tonight before I go to bed, since tomorrow I will be working on homework, which also means posting more on here because I am very far behind. Like 3 weeks worth. I guess I just don't have enough hours in my day. I also promise to appreciate the next teacher that makes a newsletter because a lot of work goes into it!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Personality Test

I just got around to taking the Personality Test from the first Friday that we spent on our blogs. My results were as follows:

Your Type is

Strength of the preferences %

You are:
  • slightly expressed extravert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • distinctively expressed feeling personality
  • moderately expressed judging personality
I think that this true as to who I am. I only slightly judge people. However, I am very sensitive to the feelings of others. I disagree with the only moderate intuitive though. I tend to be very intuitive. I like being around people and socializing, but I value the time that I can spend to myself  and use to do the things I value and enjoy.

Portrait of the ENFJ - Keirsey's Teacher

Even more than the other Idealists,Teachers have a natural talent for leading students or trainees toward learning, or as Idealists like to think of it, they are capable of calling forth each learner's potentials. Teachers (around two percent of the population) are able - effortlessly, it seems, and almost endlessly-to dream up fascinating learning activities for their students to engage in. In some Teachers, this ability to fire the imagination can amount to a kind of genius which other types find hard to emulate. But perhaps their greatest strength lies in their belief in their students. Teachers look for the best in their students, and communicate clearly that each one has untold potential, and this confidence can inspire their students to grow and develop more than they ever thought possible.
In whatever field they choose, Teachers consider people their highest priority, and they instinctively communicate personal concern and a willingness to become involved. Warmly outgoing, and perhaps the most expressive of all the types, Teachers are remarkably good with language, especially when communicating in speech, face to face. And they do not hesitate to speak out and let their feelings be known. Bubbling with enthusiasm, Teachers will voice their passions with dramatic flourish, and can, with practice, become charismatic public speakers. This verbal ability gives Teachers a good deal of influence in groups, and they are often asked to take a leadership role.

Teachers like things settled and organized, and will schedule their work hours and social engagements well ahead of time -- and they are absolutely trustworthy in honoring these commitments. Valuing as they do interpersonal cooperation and harmonious relations, Teachers are extraordinarily tolerant of others, are easy to get along with, and are usually popular wherever they are.
Teachers are highly sensitive to others, which is to say their intuition tends to be well developed. Certainly their insight into themselves and others is unparalleled. Without a doubt, they know what is going on inside themselves, and they can read other people with uncanny accuracy. Teachers also identify with others quite easily, and will actually find themselves picking up the characteristics, emotions, and beliefs of those around them. Because they slip almost unconsciously into other people's skin in this way, Teachers feel closely connected with those around them, and thus show a sincere interest in the joys and problems of their employees, colleagues, students, clients, and loved ones.

The funny thing is that many people have told me that I would make a great teacher..... yet I want to go into Law..... interesting.....

Monday, September 5, 2011


So I've been Laying in bed for an hour and a half and I can't sleep because I'm sick. I took a nap earlier today because I wasn't feeling well so that could be part of it but it's not that I'm not tired. I just can't sleep. I took some medicine so maybe that will help. Anybody else sick? I know it's going around. Although, I think mine is allergies because antihistimines have made me feel better all day. The constant bipolar weather doesn't make it any better for either. At least debate season hasn't started so I can feel free to stay home and not be letting the team down. I'm planning on coming to school tomorrow but we will have to see how I feel in the morning after I drink some hot chocolate and get dressed. Good night!

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Here and Now...... week 2

 This is the First Book...

 The Second...

The Third

 And the Fourth one!

This week I have been reading another Morganville Vampires book called Feast of Fools. This is the 4th book in the series. I constantly find myself hating and liking the book. I hate it because I do not like what Claire has to go to, but I like it because there is never a dull moment. I always want to know what is going to happen next. There are books in the series

This week: 170

Last week: 357

This semester: 527

Here we go...

Alright so this week has been crazy, I had a math test Wednesday alongside a quiz in Spanish. Yesterday, I had a massive AP Gov./ We The People test (which in that class you basically have 6 tests, 6 essays, and the 2 competitions and that is your entire grade for the class) and the weekly Etymology quiz. Today, I had yet another Spanish quiz and one of the Essays for We The People due. (Not to mention the other assignments that were also due but are not nearly as major.) The point being that with all of this homework, I have been neglecting and procrastinating on my blog. I am going to try to post a thought-provoking analysis of some aspect of my current reading today in Etymology, but I will also have to work on it over the weekend to catch up on my posts. Also, this means that instead of having 2 posts for the sentences of the week (which I had difficulties posting them earlier this week for last week and lost my work), I will be posting them this week in one large post that will contain like 8 or more quotes.

P.S. As it turns out, this was one of the posts that Blogger would not post but it did save this one for me.

Issues with Blogger

I have tried to post twice this week and have been unable to because I type out the post and then it does not auto-save, save, or post. I am now typing them out in word and then copying and pasting them into blogger, so if I loose it, I can get it back. I wonder though, has anybody else had the same problem?

Also, I've had a lot of homework this week and I am looking forward to a long weekend with relaxation and working ahead on what I can for my classes.