Friday, November 11, 2011


So, I am fully aware that it has been a long time since I have posted anything to my blog. But, I have been doing great things along the way. I finally have the approval needed for an initial meeting for the Teens for Life, which is November 28th. The We the People team won district and we are moving on to state in December. I have finished up most of my college applications. The Debate team has done well and I have taught my novice debaters well enough to be successful. The only thing is that I have to be at school tomorrow by 5:30. I usually get up somewhere between 6:00 and 6:20, so this is super early! I will probably get up sometime around 3. Ugh! Anyway, I also have been working on finding scholarships to apply for. I found out that I can apply for FASFA as an independent, which means I will get a lot of financial aid for college, which will be nice because the school I want to go to is $50,000 a year!!! Tonight, I am going to the fall play to support my friends that are in it, and I think it will be fun. For Speech, I am doing a piece where I am from Brooklyn, but I have no idea how to speak like a New Yorker, or anybody from the Northern East Coast. 

The end of the time that I need have to post is a bittersweet occasion. I get to move on to better and brighter things, but I will miss the use of blogger, maybe I will start a blog that I use like facebook and maybe also a tumblr. Who knows? I think that I will attempt to, but it is not the most important thing going on in my life. But then again, the end of blogging for Etymology, which means that we will so have the end of the semester, and the end of my time with an amazing teacher (I am not brown nosing! It cannot be brown nosing if it is true!!!), Mr. Hill. He can feel free to kidnap me from any class at anytime!

I would say that when I began this class, I loved reading, which I still do. I'm absolutely the hide under the covers with a flashlight after the parental units have told you to go to bed type of person. I remember that freshman year I was grounded from reading for leisure! I would go home without homework and read for like 6 hours, only stopping to eat and to take a shower. Later in my high school career, I had neglected my relationship with "reading" we never sat down and spent time together. It was the occasional reading on the debate bus and that was about it. I cheated on reading with homework. 

This semester, I have rediscovered my love for reading. We got back together. I tend to like it better when I am "seeing" its popular fiction side. It is a very diverse side of reading and therefore, I never got bored. With homework, I have had a hard time meeting the quota. I know that it is almost the only homework that I have in the class but I needed time to work on my other homework. This semester I have 2 English classes.

I will work hard to maintain my relationship with "reading," but like any other relationship, it is difficult to maintain it.